Sunday, June 3, 2007

On the Water

Greetings, Gentle Reader,

As this title suggests, I got on the water this weekend, although the outing hardly meets the criteria of a "training" row. When you bring Peg, a cooler, and some Thai food, it's clear that "time and distance" are not the drivers.

But it was nice to get out to see how everything was working. The boat and mechanicals were fine, but the shoulder soreness this morning after only an eight mile-or-so jaunt suggest that there is still much to do to prepare the propulsive unit. I was also struck by the expanse of new dockage that has appeared in the Inner Harbor over the winter; the new piers are in, and while they promise to bring even more life into our vibrant home waters, they sure do restrict the traffic to an increasingly confined space. I plan to push off at 5AM on the 16th, and I'll have to use that time to rack up some miles before the weekend armada sallies forth.

Peg & I carried aboard our invitations to Vane Brothers' Saturday evening christening of their new tug and a 400+ foot oil barge. We had hoped to arrive by water, but by the time we passed Fort McHenry, the wind on the nose had stiffened and a nasty chop slowed us to less than 2 mph. Discretion...and our own copious supply of Merlot...won out, and we used the wind and waves to return to the Science Center at a liesurly pace. From a distance we were able to see the party we missed; much celebration and a fireboat's curtain of water hinted at the revelry up at Vane Brother's. Great folks...sorry we came up short!

Planning for the 16th proceeds apace, to the point where my row will quite probably be a sideshow of minor proportions. Our organizational meetings at Sally Anne's are evocative of the early scene in Rocky I. Remember, Gentle Reader, when Appollo Creed sits in his plush office with his business managers, talking about PR opportunites, drinking coffee and eating danish, while Rocky beats on the slab of meat in the warehouse? I sit at these meetings drinking coffee and nibbling on quiche, knowing that my opponents - the Harbor, the calendar, and my own aging frame - have no intention of waiting. At least I know I am in for a test; Appollo was clueless. So yes, if you are walking the Harbor you are likely to see a few more training rows before the 16th and my huffing bulk in the gym as well. I'll be ready.

To the gathering army of volunteers...thank you! This promises to be a fun day, and we'll do some good, too.



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